There was this time when I had a cute little girly journal(pink adds the needed feel, you know). I adored it so much that I had even named it (I shall NOT disclose the name in order to protect the remaining izzat of the blogowner and to let people keep thinking that I do have some threads of sanity left in me).
I would write about things that bothered me in that dirty lil book of mine. Of course, it was kept hidden from my sister’s prying eyes. Not that she didn’t know about all the things that were in that book (I tell her EVERYTHING and vice versa)(heylo, what are sisters for?!) but I just didn’t want her to read it. My writing. What I had written. I just have this thing about people reading things that I don’t want them to read. A quirky one is that I don’t like her (or anyone for that matter) looking over my shoulder while I type a blog entry. Basically, I don’t like people prying over my work which is in progress. It just gives me the creeps. Similarly, I hate it when teachers try to look into my notebook while Iam working out a sum. It simply destroys my concentration and makes me hasty and get disoriented. This one time during an exam, the invigilator was staring away to glory at my work! It got on my nerves(like duh!!) and I stared back at her. I didn’t want to distrub the rest of the students around me by talking to her and asking her to go away. So I simply gave a nice, long, piercing frown-type-stare. Hah! The good ole lady walked away and didn’t come back!!
So. Where were we? Yea, the journal. Yesterday, I happened to come across it and couldn’t help feeling what-a-moron-I-was-back-then. It was simply hilarious, and at times outrageous. Things like, sheesh!!-how-could-I-ever-let-that-bother-me-so-much and how-could-I-possibly-have-a-crush-on-HIM *shock*. The crush part was especially strange! You know how weird 12-13 year olds can get!
Well, my journal writing days didn’t last long though. I somehow felt very insecure about having my innermost feelings lying around in a cupboard. What was I to do if someone (read parents) read it?!?! *holy horror* So the intelligent brain of mine convinced me to tear the ‘danger’ sheets off, soak them in water so that the writing becomes illegible and finally smash the remains to completely destroy any evidence of my madness. Hah!! *gleaming eyes* I actually did all that. I tore the pages and soaked them in water. However, somehow, some part of me urged to stop right there and compelled me to retrieve the sheets. And so I went on a reverse mission. So what followed was a nervous emptying of a pink bucket and the heroic rescue of those precious documents. Oh the documents! They were all written with ball-point pen, so the writing was still intact. Yipee!!! I dried the paper in my sunlit balcony. I actually spent an entire afternoon in that balcony, guarding my feelings on pulp and quickly hiding them with a large towel and pretended to be drying the towel whenever my sister gave an occasional peep. After 2 hours of evaporation and all that my sheets (now they were reduced to weird smushy pulpy thingies) were carefully stapled and placed back in the same journal. The journal was then hidden away in an obscure corner of my wardrobe(clothes section) (arghh! Now you know where I keep all my secret-secret stuff!) and forgotten about.
Yesterday, while glancing through those pages, I found out something about myself. Rather, I realized something about myself which I aleady knew. (yea, its kind of twisted). I am pretty touchy when it comes to things like trust. I hate it when someone I trust breaks my heart. And I somehow feel ashamed of the fact that I ever trusted that person. I don’t know why exactly I feel this way, but this is it. I can’t take people breaking my heart and its surprising how often the same has been done. I mean seriously, why are people so mean at times?